A leaked internal onboarding PDF document for MrBeast’s employees reveals how the creator manages his many content teams and makes massively successful YouTube videos. The document was released on social media on September 14 by a startup company founder and quickly spread across the internet as people raced to learn all about how MrBeast makes his content . There is some well-known advice in the 37-page document, like how important the first minute of a video is for audience retention and the content’s overall success, alongside some nuanced breakdowns of YouTube analytics and management insights.

The PDF only has a few sections and is written informally by MrBeast as a “braindump” and not a rulebook for his employees to follow. The creator outlines the type of people that he wants working for his company, “A Players,” before diving into four chapters: What makes a YouTube video viral, Creating Content, Creative, and Your Career. The first section goes over metrics that MrBeast cares about: Click Through Rate, Average View Duration, and Average View Percentage.

He also speaks on what separates his content from others on the platform. “Anytime we do something that no other creator can do, that separates us in their mind and makes our videos more special to them. It changes how they see us and it does make them watch more videos and engage more with the brand.

You can’t track the ‘wow factor,’ but I can describe it,” he said. The creator also reveals that.