In an effort to help veterans struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder, 80 members of Congress, including Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, recently highlighted the need to consider MDMA-assisted therapy as a treatment. MDMA is a psychedelic drug currently illegal under federal law.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is weighing whether to approve it for medicinal purposes.

Kaine, a Democrat, and 18 other senators sent a letter Monday to FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, pointing out that about 6,000 veterans die by suicide each year — many suffered from trauma while serving in the military. “Existing treatments and medicines for PTSD, the last of which FDA approved nearly 25 years ago, have not decreased the frequency of suicide within the veteran community,” the letter states. “As a nation, we cannot allow our veterans to continue to suffer in silence and must identify treatments proven to drastically decrease the adverse effects of PTSD.

” The senators said advancements in scientific research were offering new hope and described MDMA-assisted therapy as a promising potential option. “If comprehensive evidence demonstrates that MDMA-AT is both effective and safe when administered in appropriate settings, it is our responsibility to ensure that this treatment option is made available to those who could benefit from it,” the letter states. Meanwhile, 61 representatives, including Yorktown Republican Rob Wittman, sent a similar letter Friday to President Joe Biden.
