Directed by Bharath Raj, draws inspiration from a real incident in Himachal Pradesh and stars Pramod Shetty in his debut lead role. The film explores the life of a police constable, played by Pramod, and stars Diganth Manchale in a pivotal role. The film delves into the personal struggles of a police head constable named Govardhan and the transformative power of a song on the lives of three individuals.

The song was launched recently and attended by SK Umesh, K Kalyan, and Teju Belawadi. The trailer is set to drop on August 15. Pramod Shetty shared his enthusiasm for his lead role, recounting how Rishab and Bharath approached him with the offer.

“Rishab told me, ‘I’m not investing in you but in the story,’” Pramod said. He also noted the challenges of preparing for the role, including significant weight changes during the lockdown. At the song launch event, Rishab Shetty discussed the evolving film industry, underscoring how alternative platforms offer some benefits to producers but have also reduced the exclusivity of cinema.

“Today’s cinema world offers many options beyond theatres—channels, OTT platforms, and more. Movies are shown in theatres for a short period before moving to TV and streaming services,” he explained. He also pointed out the growing gap between the number of filmmakers and the shrinking audience, along with the rise of content creators.

“Nowadays, everyone is a creator. Even a couple at home can shoot, edit, and post content that attr.