HERITAGE champions have reacted with joy to work carried out on a 'precious' partially collapsed medieval bridge as an important milestone in its long history looms. A platform and temporary stairs have been constructed at Powick Old Bridge near Worcester after previous work to cut back vegetation ahead of the work to return the structure to its former glory. A digger was also on the site of the bridge which was famous as the site of the first skirmish of the English Civil War, the Battle of Powick Bridge, and it last engagement, the Battle of Worcester.

ACTION: Machinery and workmen on site at Powick Old Bridge on September 16, 2024 (Image: James Connell/Newsquest) The bridge has been closed to pedestrians and cyclists since it suffered a partial collapse of the wingwall at the end of January. Further fencing has now been installed as work on the bridge proceeds apace ahead of the winter when there is an increased risk of storms and flooding. Work was welcomed by history enthusiasts as this month is the anniversary of the Battle of Powick Bridge, fought on September 23, 1642.

The temporary works will be followed by a second phase to permanently reconstruct the damaged section in 2025. SAFETY: More fencing has been installed at the site of Powick Old Bridge (Image: James Connell/Newsquest) Cllr Alan Amos paid a visit to the site while at the opening of the nearby flood defence scheme in Toronto Close, Lower Wick in Worcester and said he was committed to seeing the repairs fin.