Have You Ever Wanted to Get Nekked in a Cave? Six years ago, Howe Caverns came up with a brilliant idea: for one day, they'd allow people to stroll naked through their hallowed caverns with a promotion called "Naked in a Cave." While I'll admit that I thought the idea was a pure stroke of genius, I didn't understand how people would react to it. Back in 2018 (their first year doing it), the buzz from the event went viral, yet I still had some questions about whether or not people wanted to get butt-naked in front of strangers and check out age-old cavernous holes.

It's Always a Chilly 52 Degrees Down There Body image issues aside, I get cold easily. It's always a chilly 52 degrees inside Howe Caverns, and as any man can attest, cold temps and no clothes are a recipe for a shrinkage disaster. I never did have a chance to stroll through Howe Cavers stark naked, but over the years, many people seemed to enjoy it.

We contacted someone who did it a few years back and asked about the vibe. Who showed up? Was it a sausage-fest? And here's what they told us: "More like mini hot dogs, mostly due to the cold. Though, it was pretty balanced.

The overwhelming majority were couples," they told us, adding, "There were a few 'odd men out' (types of) people, and most of them were guys, but there were single women too." It's the Last Year to Get Naked in a Cave On Saturday, 28 September 2024, Howe Caverns will celebrate body positivity again during their wildly popular "Naked in a Cave" promo.