Summary Martin Mars Hawaii, last operational JRM Mars, & other final two to be preserved for future generations. JRM Mars had a prestigious history with the US Navy, set world record carrying 269 passengers in 1948. Four JRM Mars converted to water bombers for firefighting, dropping over 50 million gallons each in BC from 1960-2015.

The Hawaii Martin Mars water bomber is an ex-military transport aircraft that served the United States Navy in the Second World War. After retirement from service, the four remaining Martin Mars were converted to water bombers for aerial firefighting. As the second-last aircraft (Hawaii Mars) made its final flight on August 11, we looked at some fun facts about Hawaii Mars.

After a prestigious history with the United States Navy and aerial firefighting, the two remaining Martin JRM Mars aircraft will fly to their final resting destinations, where the history of these amazing machines will be preserved forever to share with future generations and aviation enthusiasts alike. 1 Hawaii Mars - a reborn The first Hawaii Mars was lost in an accident Hawaii Mars Marianas Mars Philippine Mars Marshall Mars Caroline Mars (A second) Hawaii Mars The Glenn L. Martin Company designated the Martin JRM Mars aircraft with different names.

The first aircraft, named Hawaii Mars, was delivered in June 1945. While the US Navy had ordered 20 modified JRM Mars, they scaled back at the end of World War II. The original Hawaii Mars was lost in an accident in Chesapeake Ba.