Court Reporter Nation Media Group The Ministry of Land and the Attorney General On Friday backed the Equity Bank CEO James Mwangi as the owner of the title to a disputed 20-acre parcel of land in Nairobi’s Muthaiga that the estate of the late President Daniel Arap Moi lays ownership. State Counsel Allan Kamau presented documents to Justice David Mugo showing that Muthaiga Luxury Homes—which Mr Mwangi owns-- holds the original title to the disputed property. The ownership of the upmarket property pits Mr Mwangi, United States International University (USIU), Maestro Connections Health System and the Moi estate in a hotly contested suit.

Moi's lawyers reckoned in earlier court sessions that Mr Mwangi’s acquisition of the property for Sh300 million was a fraud. On Friday, Mr Kamau while representing the Chief Lands Registrar and the Attorney General produced documents before court indicating that Muthaiga Luxury Homes holds the original title to the property. He produced a police investigation report on the sale of the land indicating that the late President had authorized lawyer Samson Omwanza and his sales agent Andrew Sunkuli to sell the upmarket property in 2012.

The police report under land fraud detectives, Abdalla Komesha and Emmanuel Kanyungu followed a complaint by the late President that he lost the title to the property. President Moi had also applied to the Ministry of Lands to be issued with a fresh provisional title. The detectives established that Mr Mwangi .