's has aired his frustrations over audiences filming his performances on their phones. The frontman discussed the issue during an appearance on the , noting how he feels there's been a loss in connection between the performer and their crowd due to excessive filming. "I'm not asking for sympathy, like, 'Poor Randy, he feels bad.

' But, yeah, the relationship is missing," he says. "And I a relationship with the audience". To combat the problem, Blythe reveals his plan for playing the audience at their own game, noting how he'll one day opt for sitting down with his phone during a performance rather than giving fans his full attention.

"I haven't done this yet, but I'm going to," he explains. "As the phones come more and more and more, I'm going to walk out one day at a particularly phone-driven show and I'm gonna bring a stool, and I'm gonna set it down in the middle of the stage after a song or two, and then I'm going to turn on my phone, and I'm gonna point it at the audience, and I'm gonna sit there, and I'm gonna sing a whole song. "I'm not gonna move.

I'm gonna do what they do. And then at the end, I'm gonna say, 'Did you people enjoy that? No? I didn't either. So why don't we be here together? Put your fricking phone down.

'" Explaining further on why he dislikes phone usage at concerts, he continues: "The memories that you're going to have, because you're experiencing this show through this digital filter or whatever of a crappy cell phone video...

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