In the immediate aftermath of the last Federal Election, I wrote an article saying Labor needed to temper its hard-left predilections and that, for at least the next two election cycles, the ALP needed to preference the Greens last to ensure its own political survival. That was June 2022. Fast forward two years and not only has Labor fed the crocodile to appease it, but it appears to have started a breeding program within its own ranks.

During this term, the Greens have consistently shown us their true colours - the tree-loving hippies of the Bob Brown era, chaining themselves to bulldozers, are long gone. They have since been replaced by a mish-mash of fringe misfits, who are bound together only by a mutual hatred for Australia’s past and a laser-focused intent on tearing down the social and economic norms that underpin our civilised and functional society. They use words like inclusion, reconciliation and equality as the cute sparkly billboard for division, retribution and “let’s eat the rich”.

Labor have had their political beer goggles on for some time, but the political party they woke up next to the morning after is not the political party they went to bed with the night before. Save for the Gillard era of Labor government, the Greens have been tolerated as a party of protest because they have been largely politically impotent. However, with Labor’s primary vote being squeezed from both sides by the Liberal Party and the Greens respectively, what was once a fr.