Spinach, Leek and Goat Cheese Frittata In a June New York Times article on food waste, I was surprised to learn that food comprises the largest volume of waste sent to landfills or incinerators in America. Approximately 30% of the country’s food supply is thrown away or wasted. In an effort to examine food waste in my own home, I challenged myself not to grocery shop during July.

The aim was to work with the food already purchased and put to good use those items that I may have otherwise overlooked and let spoil. Homemade Pop Tarts There were a few exceptions to the challenge. I permitted myself to purchase a few necessities (e.

g., coffee, eggs) and a key ingredient or two that was critical to the meal being prepared, but any purchases must also be consumed and not wasted during the challenge. I had more fun with the test than I initially thought I would.

I channeled my inner "Iron Chef" and prepared dishes I might not have otherwise attempted if given the luxury of grocery shopping without intention. Below are two recipes that quickly became favorites and will remain in the baking rotation as healthy and fun ways to use what I have in the fridge and freezer. The first — a frittata — allows for experimentation and creativity.

I baked a spinach, leek and goat cheese frittata as well as one with cherry tomatoes, mozzarella and basil. The possibilities are endless, and the basic recipe below will give you a great starting point. The second recipe — homemade pop tarts —.