Recently, Kriti Sanon created headlines when her photos with rumoured boyfriend Kabir Bahia from her vacation went viral on social media. Amid this, the actress has now talked about how 'false gossip' about her impacts her family. In an interview with Filmfare, Kriti Sanon talked about how she reacts to the gossip written about her and said, "When false negative information is published about me, it’s not just frustrating for myself but also impacts my family.

They shouldn’t have to deal with the repercussions of something untrue. It’s particularly aggravating when random rumours, like me supposedly getting married, start circulating." She further added how she constantly needs to clarify the 'false information' about her and said, "Friends then message me assuming it’s true and I have to clarify that it’s not.

People often don’t bother to verify facts before spreading stories, especially on social media where negativity spreads quickly. Having to constantly correct these falsehoods is incredibly irritating and ends up being more bothersome than anything else." The actress further talked about how celebrities have become more conscious of what they say because of social media negativity and said, "We’ve become increasingly cautious.

We’re aware that anything we say can be misinterpreted or become fodder for trolls. This cautiousness has made us step back from freely expressing ourselves. In the past, people used to speak more freely without worrying about the .