Korean media outlets TV Chosun and Dong-A Ilbo released new CCTV footage showing BTS member Suga’s accident on Aug. 6. The two media outlets got the footage on Aug.

14 showing Suga riding an electric scooter on a sidewalk in Yongsan, Seoul. Suga is being investigated by the police for drunk driving. Dong-A Ilbo reported that at about 11:10 p.

m. KST on Aug. 6, Suga lost his balance and fell while making a left turn toward the inside of the main entrance of Nine One Hannam luxury apartment complex after passing three riot police officers who were patrolling the sidewalk in Yongsan, Seoul.

BTS' Suga riding an electric scooter on a sidewalk in Yongsan, Seoul on Aug. 6 (Screenshot from TV Chosun video) BTS' Suga as he is about to turn left to enter the main entrance of Nine One Hannam in Yongsan, Seoul on Aug. 6 (Screenshot from TV Chosun video) The three police officers on Aug.

6 (Screenshot from TV Chosun video) BTS' Suga turning left to enter the main gate of Nine One Hannam in Yongsan, Seoul on Aug. 6 (Screenshot from TV Chosun video) BTS' Suga falls down as he made a left turn to enter the main entrance of Nine One Hannam in Yongsan, Seoul on Aug. 6 (Screenshot from TV Chosun video) BTS' Suga picking up his electric scooter as the three police officers look on at main gate of Nine One Hannam in Yongsan, Seoul on Aug.

6 (Screenshot from TV Chosun video) BTS' Suga and the three police officers on Aug. 6 (Screenshot from TV Chosun video) The police officers approached Suga, wh.