Filmmaker Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri, who joined the protest rally against the alleged rape and murder of a trainee doctor at Kolkata's RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, expressed his outrage. Speaking to ANI on Wednesday, shared his feelings on the incident. ADVERTISEMENT #WATCH | Kolkata, West Bengal: On Kolkata's RG Kar Medical College and Hospital rape-murder incident, Film director Vivek Agnihotri says, "Since the time of the Direct Action Day, rape has been used as a political weapon.

In Bengal, communal, political, electoral violence should... August 21, 2024 He said, "My demand is just this that since the time of the Direct Action Day, rape has been used as a political weapon.

In Bengal, communal, political, electoral violence should end. And we have to make Bengal great again. And that is possible only if the current political system is completely changed.

This government has completely failed. I have come here because many young people are asking me. I want them to get inspired that yes, if I can stand here and protest, they can too.

We have to make Bengal great again if we want India to succeed." The Supreme Court on Tuesday constituted a 10-member National Task Force to make recommendations on the prevention of violence and safe working conditions for medical professionals. The task force includes Surgeon Vice Admiral Arti Sarin, among others.

Days after the rape and murder of a junior doctor in Kolkata sparked nationwide protests, the ap.