Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar recently shared a video featuring his daughter , Roohi Johar , playfully interacting with the digital assistant Siri. In the clip, Roohi asks Siri to sing, playfully urging her to perform professionally. The video garnered reactions from celebrities and fans alike.

Notably, an Instagram user inquired about Roohi’s mother, prompting Karan to react. Roohi asks Siri in the video clip to, "Sing. I don't like it.

You sing a proper song in a rhythm. Be a professional. C'mon.

" Many celebs curiously responded to the video, Shweta Bachchan said, "Miko!!! Was the precursor. @bindraamritpal" Ayushmann Khurrana, Shilpa Shetty, Saba Ali Khan and Ali Afzal, all posted red heart and laughing emojis in the comment section. But the catch of the incident was a social media user who commented, "Who is the mother of Roohi? Can anybody please tell me? I am confused.

" Karan responded, “@fardinatasha I AM!!! Am so worried about your confused state so I had to answer your pertinent and relevant query.” Talking about Karan's children, in February 2017, Karan Johar welcomed his son Yash and daughter Roohi through surrogacy. He named Yash after his late father, Yash Johar, while Roohi is an anagram of his mother’s name, Hiroo.

Recently, Karan shared a cute video of Yash and Roohi to celebrate Raksha Bandhan. Recently, Karan offered a heartwarming glimpse into the Rakhi celebration to his fans. The video showed Roohi tying rakhi to Yash.

Karan Johar's mother Hiroo.