It’s been over five years since Game of Thrones aired its finale , but Kit Harington is still getting questions about the HBO hit. You might assume he has mostly fond memories—he met his wife, Rose Leslie, on the show, and for a time rallied for a sequel series centered around his character , Jon Snow. (It’s since been scrapped .

) But in a new interview, he confesses that by the end of season eight, he was just plain exhausted. Speaking with British GQ (via Variety ) in an article that mentions some of the off-set annoyances his Game of Thrones fame brought him (having to keep his curly locks a certain length; people shrieking “You know nothing!” at him in the street), Harington said the show had to end when it did for one big reason. “I think if there was any fault with the end of Thrones , is that we were all so fucking tired, we couldn’t have gone on longer,” he explained.

He’s also well aware of the fan disappointment that still swirls around the show’s final season. “I understand some people thought it was rushed and I might agree with them,” he said. “But I’m not sure there was any alternative.

I look at pictures of me in that final season and I look exhausted. I look spent. I didn’t have another season in me.

” Regarding the finale, he told the magazine, “Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I think there were mistakes made, story-wise, towards the end maybe. I think there were some interesting choices that didn’t quite work.

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