Kirsty Young was made to feel like “a crazy lady” by a doctor who told her that . Young was eventually diagnosed with the neuropathic disorder after suffering 18 months of and extreme fatigue. The symptoms were so debilitating that she had to leave her dream job as presenter of Radio 4’s .

But it took appointments with several doctors before . “I went to see all sorts of different people, doctors and medics..

.[to one] I said: ‘I’ve read about this thing called fibromyalgia, could it be fibromyalgia?’ “They actually did snort. She snorted .

.. I said: ‘That’s not a thing?’ She said: ‘That’s not a thing.

That’s where we put people when they don’t have something, just to say they’ve got something.’ “Now, of course, I realise the depth of that particular medic’s ignorance on the subject.” Speaking to Radio 4’s Today programme, Young added: “I went down lots of alleyways before I eventually found somebody who said: ‘Oh, yes, that’s a neuropathic pain disorder.

’ “Once it was named I thought: ‘Ok, it’s not in my head. I’m not a crazy lady then. What I feel is real.

This thing that’s bringing me to tears and decimating me is real.’” Young, now 55, stepped down from her job in 2018. Describing her symptoms of brain fog and extreme fatigue, she said: “I have at my worst felt that somebody has drugged my cup of tea – almost swaying with fatigue and having to opt out of doing anything because the fatigue is just like ceme.