Renowned Bollywood director who is currently basking in the success of her 2024 satire-drama ‘Laapataa Ladies’ has shared on working again with her ex-husband Aamir Khan. ADVERTISEMENT Talking to IANS an a special event, she shared her thoughts on working with again. Kiran said “We will definitely work together in the future, I don't know in what capacity because I enjoy working with him, you know, he was the producer on this, he found the script.

So I'm always keen to work with him again”. “Whether he's acting, whether he'll produce, I don't know and honestly, I haven't, I feel like I need to focus on the story first and then it'll take its own organic journey. So hopefully we will work together again," she concluded.

For the unversed, Kiran and Aamir collaborated on the 2010 drama film ‘Dhobi Ghat’ which also marked the directorial debut of Kiran Rao. The film featured Aamir Khan, Prateik Babbar, Monica Dogra and Kriti Malhotra in the lead roles. Kiran also shared about the reaction of the Chief Justice of India D.

Y. Chandrachud to her film. Kiran said, “Well, he actually had already loved the film, which is why he did the screening for the Supreme Court staff and many of the justices and judges and he actually loved the film so much that he wrote to us and said that, you know, we would like to screen the film for the entire Supreme Court staff and justices if we would be happy to send the film and maybe we could come and, you know, engage with them in a pos.