In a recent act of cross-border camaraderie, Pakistani actor Kiran Malik and Orhan Awatramani, better known as Orry, were spotted posing for a selfie at what looked like a formal event. In the picture, now making rounds on social media, Orry is dressed in a sharp formal tuxedo, standing with Kiran, who dazzled in a shimmery gold gown. Kiran, who made her acting debut in Pinky Memsaab, has become a prominent figure in Pakistani cinema and fashion, known for her screen presence and the bold yet stylish sartorial choices that litter her Instagram feed.

Orry, often described as Bollywood's most notorious BFF, remains a fascinating enigma in the world of celebrity culture. A famous-for-being-famous multi-hyphenate, Orry's exact profession is hard to define. Yet, he's a fixture at every major luxury brand's party, frequently seen arm-in-arm with A-list celebrities, from Bollywood royalty to global stars like Kylie Jenner and Rihanna.

By conventional metrics, Orry's stardom seems puzzling. With 1.6 million Instagram followers and 124k subscribers on YouTube, his influence doesn't rely on typical social media clout.

He rarely endorses brands or name-drops luxury designers. "I don't have to Because I don't source, I buy. I need to own everything I wear, even if I never wear it again," he once told The National News.

Acting isn't a priority for Orry, but Bollywood remains central to his orbit. He's often photographed alongside the industry's rising Gen-Z stars, including Janhvi and Khu.