A tourist visiting an area near Buckingham Palace with the King’s Guard was bitten by one of their horses while trying to take a photo. Video is courtesy of @busk1976 /TMX A tourist in London had an unfortunate run in with a horse that works as part of King Charles III’s official King’s Guard. Outside The Household Cavalry Museum in London, just over a mile from Buckingham Palace, tourists were visiting the location and taking photos with one of the King’s Guard horses.

In the video, several people approach the guard seated atop a horse in their regimental gear and pose for photos. A few times, the horse swings its head towards people if they get too close, and signs are posted warning visitors, "Beware: Horses May Kick or Bite. Don’t touch the reins.

Thank you." PRINCE GEORGE'S 11TH BIRTHDAY MARKS LAST YEAR BEFORE 'MORBID RULE' KICKS IN: EXPERT A horse like the one pictured here with a King's Guard bit a tourist outside The Household Cavalry Museum in London on Sunday. (Kaveh Kazemi/Getty Images) The woman who was bit walks quickly into frame to pose near the horse, when it swings its head around and bites her hard just above her elbow.

She screams and runs back to her tour group, where her fellow travelers examine her. A few moments later, she can be seen kneeling on the ground, with someone behind the camera saying, "she’s still over there..

.she’s keeling over, look." Someone asks if she’s got a "really bad injury" and another person responds, "she’s gett.