Sign up to our free email to get all the latest royal news and pictures We have more newsletters Sign up to our free email to get all the latest royal news and pictures We have more newsletters There is nothing like a shared experience to bring two people even closer together. Without a doubt, King Charles and the Princess of Wales will have found strength in each other as they confront their own respective health battles. That bond has never been more in evidence than at Trooping the Colour in mid-June.

In a break with protocol, King Charles arranged for his “darling daughter-in-law” to stand next to him as the family gathered on the Buckingham Palace balcony to wave to the crowds. Their closeness was clear to see as Kate whispered something to Charles, making him laugh before the National Anthem was played. Last year, Charles stood next to his son William, the Prince of Wales.

The change of order was viewed as a mark of respect for Kate and an acknowledgment that she had chosen his official birthday to return to the public eye. Former royal butler Grant Harrold exclusively told OK! , “It is changing protocol to show the King and Kate united with each other and going through similar battles, so I would say this is down to the King’s preference. The balcony [line-up] is orchestrated, so I have a feeling the King said to Kate, ‘You stand next to me.

’” The timing of the pair’s illnesses has been eerily similar. In January, both Kate and Charles were treated in t.