Naples court judge Maria Luisa Miranda has also finalised the seizure of Imperiale’s private island in Dubai. Imperiale getting nicked Raffaele Imperiale Drug trafficker Bruno Carbone was right-hand man to gang boss Raffaele Imperiale Imperiale's island Daniel Kinahan A narco-trafficker and a key figure in Europe’s super-cartel has been sentenced to more than 15 years in prison by an Italian court. Dubbed the ‘King of Narcos’, Raffaele Imperiale had been extradited to Italy last year from Dubai where he had been overseeing an international cocaine trafficking ring while living in luxury in the Gulf State.

After he was returned to Italian custody, Imperiale agreed to be a State witness and gave extensive details of his drug dealing business and criminal associates to police. Gardai believe Imperiale was a close ally of Daniel Kinahan and they, along with other trafficking gangs, controlled a large portion of Europe’s drugs trade. The Camorra gang boss was a guest at Kinahan’s wedding in Dubai in 2017 where he was monitored by the US’s Drug Enforcement Agency mixing with major criminal figures from across the globe.

At the time, Imperiale, who became infamous after two paintings, including a Van Gogh stolen in 2002 in Amsterdam were found hidden in a wall in one of his villas in Naples, was one of Italy’s most wanted men. Imperiale's island However, Imperiale’s days of living like a king are now at an end after he was given a 15 year and 8 month sentence in a .