After the release of Netflix's new show, Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story, the subjects of the biopic series. The socialite, who is a longtime advocate for prison reform, was reportedly joined by her sister, , as well as her mother, , when they met with . Her visit was reportedly fruitful, according to , as they fell into conversation about changes to the prison system, something the inmates have been advocating for internally during their sentence.

wasn't the only one interested in meeting Lyle and Erik. Producer Scott Budnick and Cooper Koch, who plays Erik on the show, came with the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star. The group discussed reform and rehabilitation programs such as Greenspace, which promotes beautifying prison yards to promote change behind bars.

Despite the presence of those involved in the production, Erik ’s wife Tammi, shared his disappointed reaction to the show. In a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, the statement said: “I believed we had moved beyond the lies and ruinous character portrayals of Lyle, creating a caricature of Lyle rooted in horrible and blatant lies rampant in the show. I can only believe they were done so on purpose.

" “It is with a heavy heart that I say, I believe Ryan Murphy cannot be this naive and inaccurate about the facts of our lives so as to do this without bad intent." “It is sad for me to know that Netflix’s dishonest portrayal of the tragedies surrounding our crime have taken the painful truths sev.