Lostockers headed to Ramsbottom to take part in the Ramsbottom Mile, for the latest instalment of the Central Lancashire Grand Prix. A fantastic event at Nuttall Park, runners race in different waves and try to run the fastest mile they can achieve. As participants run just one mile it is a very fast event with runners putting their all into the race to achieve their fastest mile.

Lostock AC members did not disappoint, either, with Greg Kilshaw first club member to finish in 6mins 20secs. He was closely followed by Chris Baker in 6:46. Jo McManus was the first Lostock female in an impressive 6:58, securing third in her age category.

Other results: Andy Laycock 7:00, Rachel Hancock 7:23, Tony Maxwell 7:27, Rachel Stevens 7:48, Karen Taylor 8:32, Stephen Hancock 8:36, Mark Checkley 8:58, Sheila Garewal 9:15, Ellie Fortune 10:10. Road captain, Gareth Pratt, completed the City of Preston 10-mile Road Race - a fast, two-lap course starting in Walmer Bridge Village. The course is a mixture of fast straight roads with a scenic lakeside loop towards the end of the lap.

The event is on shared paths and just one-and-a-half miles into the race, a cyclist collided with Pratt. He was able to dust himself off and, despite being injured, he was still able to complete the race in an amazing 1:25:41. Josie Greenhalgh headed to the Lakes for the Steel Fell Trail Race - a challenging 5k run with a dizzying elevation gain of 1,312 feet.

The race starts with a steep uphill run to the summit of St.