Beginning your morning with a few easy stretches or yoga asanas can benefit you in many ways. It helps awaken the body and mind, increase blood flow, improve oxygen circulation, and boost energy levels. Morning yoga can set the tone for a vibrant day ahead.

But this particular habit becomes even more beneficial for those who have to sit all day because of their work or those who work from home with little to no movement during their long shifts. (Also Read | Will men go extinct? Study finds Y chromosomes are shrinking in the world ) Sitting for longer periods can cause a number of health risks. Studies have linked it to chronic heart problems, diabetes, and obesity.

The immediate risks include back pain, stiff body , and feeling lethargic. It can also negatively impact your mental health. So, we decided to help you by listing six easy yoga asanas you can begin your day with and feel refreshed through the day.

All you need is a yoga mat and your workout clothes! 6 easy yoga poses for those who sit on desks all day or work from home Cat and Cow Pose This easy yoga pose helps alleviate back pain and correct the posture. To do this pose, get in the tabletop position by bending on all your fours - balance your body on your knees and palms. For the Cat position, maintain a neutral spine, inhale, arch your back upwards, and bend your head low.

For the Cow position, exhale, curve your back inwards, stretch your chest, and lift your head. (Also Read | This morning, try these 5 exercis.