'Yodha' recently rocked social media after his ramp walk video for designers Shantanu and Nikhil in New Delhi went viral. The actor stole the show with his intense chemistry with a female model. During his walk, Sidharth can be seen holding the model close and striking poses with her.

In the viral video, the two can also be seen sharing a close-knit moment on the ramp, where the model playfully pulls the actor's collar which is being considered as a part of the choreography. Paparazzo Viral Bhayani shared the video on his Instagram handle and wrote, ''We get it girls , we get it Siddharth Malhotra setting stage on fire with hotness.'' Soon after the viral went viral on the platform, social media users chimed in the comment section with their views.

One user wrote, ''Kiara watch your man.'' ''The girl is soo soo impressed by his charm..

Not her fault,'' wrote another. A third user commented, ''Me bata rahi hu, aaj Kiara bohot pitne wali hai.'' A user named Pooja Aakash wrote, ''Ab Sid ki khair nhi.


. pata nhi kya karegi kiara.'' On the work front, Sidharth was last seen in Yodha alongside and Raashii Khanna.

The film became a moderate box office success and minted Rs 35 crore nett in India and a little over Rs 11 crore globally. He has a couple of big projects in his kitty including Abhinay Deo's directorial Aankhein 2, also starring and Sanjay Dutt. He will also feature in a film titled Spider alongside .

Apart from these, he also has an untitled project with director Siddh.