Honourable chairperson of the Khomas Regional Council and honourable members, it is again that time when we are required to live to the letter and spirit of article 110A subsection (5) and (6) of the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia to present our ninth Khomas State of the Region Address (Sora) for 2024. The ‘Year of Expectations and Elections’ started on a very sorrowful note with the unexpected departure of our beloved president Hage Gotfried Geingob on 4 February. May his soul rest in peace! The ‘Year of Expectations and Elections’ is a year of different expectations and greatly anticipated general elections that require extraordinary preparation for an extraordinary destiny.

Our just concluded census produced the preliminary updated figures of population in different constituencies and the region at large, which reflect an evident population increase of 3,56%, equal to 152 464 people from 342 141 to 494 605 people, giving you a population density of 13,4 people per square kilometre. This census reflection is a clear caution or eye opener for us to prepare for the said extraordinary mission of effective and efficient service delivery as a region. It is with this conviction that I now present our 2023/24 performance and our future plans for our collective measurement and assessment to pave our way in responding to the ever-outspreading obligation of service delivery to Khomas residents.

The government continues with the implementation of the financing strateg.