Khloé Kardashian and her mom, Kris Jenner, have the same taste in clothes. On Friday, December 20, Khloé, 40, posted an Instagram Reel showcasing her and the 69-year-old Kardashian matriarch's outfits for a holiday party — and they unknowingly showed up wearing the same dress. The dresses The Kardashians stars donned are from Kylie Jenner's clothing line Khy.
Kris wore the long-sleeved dress in white with over-the-knee boots, while the Good American founder opted for a black version of the dress — also completing the look with over-the-knee boots, but in black. The reel was set to an audio clip from an old Keeping Up With the Kardashians episode , where Kourtney Kardashian gets upset with Kris for wearing the same outfit as her. Khloé mouths her sister's words in the clip, saying, "It's just not cool that you copied me.
I go to lengths to try to get things that not everybody has." The mother of six steps in for her part, mouthing, "Okay, well, I can't return those so..
.". The reality TV star explained the situation in her caption, writing, "We didn't plan this.
.. We just showed up at the same holiday party like this 💚🎄♥️ in our @khy .
" A post shared by Khloé Kardashian (@khloekardashian) Family and fans weighed in on the wardrobe faux pas in the comments section. Kourtney, 40, jokingly commented, "Never cool to copy." One fan commented, "Damn what are the odds," with a laughing face emoji.
"Lmao, y'all are so hilarious 😂 Showing up twinning with each .