Khel Khel Mein is the 20th-something remake of the 2017 Italian film Perfect Strangers. After so many remakes, you wonder if the story has been perfected to a fault but it has worked in this film's favour. The characters put the actors at ease bringing out a better and more funny portrayal; who are also more than capable of driving emotions to the opposite spectrum.

While the dialogues may not be at its best, the actors make it work, many jokes land and many make you laugh even before the jokes land. The film begins with a bit of background for all the characters introducing their sneaky behaviours, their relationship to each other and setting up the reason for their meeting. Instead of keeping it a subtle dinner among friends who wish to catch up, we meet then at one of the most expensive locations as these are one of the richest people in their industry.

One is a plastic surgeon with an author for a while, another is coach of a successful cricket team. Virk plays a rich car dealer with a social media influencer for a while, while Aditya Seal plays a brand manager who is also the son-in-law of the big company. The film sets itself in beautiful locations, among big celebrations and keeps the story going for a big preachy finale.

While it isn't exactly the need of the hour, it doesn't take away from the experience. All hell breaks loose after Vaani Kapoor, aka the author, suggests a game among a group of friends to disclose any texts, phone calls or emails they receive for the.