After Bigg Boss, fans of Abhishek Kumar are excited to see his new adventurous side in the upcoming season of 'Khatron Ke Khiladi', which is hosted by Rohit Shetty. During a conversation with ANI, Abhishek shared his first thought that came when the show was pitched to him. He said, "First I wasn't signing.

I was very scared. I had claustrophobia. I couldn't swim.

I had a problem in my hand. But then I talked to the people who were in Khatron, like Ravi sir, Karan Wahi bhai. I talked to them.

And they said, man, are you crazy? It's such a big show. Why are you refusing? And you will learn so much. There will be so many things that you will take them for a lifetime.

" Abhishek added, "Then I watched the episodes. Then I discussed it with my family. Then I said, man, everyone doesn't get a chance.

There are only 12-13 lucky people who get a chance every year. So you are one of those 12-13 people. Because I think the whole of India wants to do it.

So everyone boosted me that I can do it, you have that potential. Sometimes it happens that you don't see the potential in yourself, but the other person knows because they have seen something in you. So one day at night I sat down with closed eyes, and when I closed my eyes, I was signing.

So, after that, I decided that let's do it." Talking about his bond with the host of the show Rohit Shetty, he said, "I have a great bond with Rohit Sir. We used to have fun on the shoot.

He was a fan of my English (jokingly said). He told me a very .