Kevin Hart is one of the busiest people in Hollywood — but even he needs to slow down sometimes. The actor and comedian, who spoke exclusively to Us Weekly via his new collaboration with Airbnb, explained how he values tranquility when he gets the chance to travel. “I’m very much a stay-in guy,” Hart, 45 said.

“Like, if I’m going somewhere, it’s more about getting away. It’s more about the relaxation. It’s more about having the opportunity to kinda recharge and reset.

For me, that’s always been the priority, right? It’s like, how do I put myself in a position to take a mental break so that when I do come back, I can continue to do what it is that I love to do, but do it at a high level.” With all that rest and relaxation, however, Hart still holds onto all of the self-care he practices when he’s at home. “I’m able to maintain it,” he explained.

“It doesn’t go out the window. Like I said, everything is just a little slower, all about embracing a slower pace.” Luckily, Hart and his wife, Eniko — with whom he celebrated the couple’s eight-year wedding anniversary earlier this month — see eye-to-eye when it comes to vacationing.

“We’re very much on the same vibe,” Hart said. “Being able to relax, being able to shut it down. I mean, we have a very active household, lots of kids running around, lots of noise, lots of activity.

So we get an opportunity to get away from that. We take advantage of that. Less is more.

” The couple sh.