Five people have been charged for allegedly supplying ketamine to “Friends” actor Matthew Perry who died in 2023. As per federal officials in Los Angeles, the five individuals, who have been charged, exploited the actor’s drug addiction for profit which led to his death due to overdose. The charges announced on Thursday come after the investigators say they have uncovered an underground network of drug sellers and suppliers who they allege are responsible for distributing the ketamine, a potentially deadly drug, that killed Perry.

His body was found in his luxurious Los Angeles home last year. Martin Estrada, the US Attorney for the central district of California said that in the fall of 2023, Perry, who has struggled with addiction in the past, “fell back into addiction, and these defendants took advantage to profit for themselves." “These defendants took advantage of Perry’s addiction issues to enrich themselves.

They knew what they were doing was wrong. They knew what they were doing was risking great danger to Perry, but they did it anyway,” Estrada said. “These defendants were more interested in profiting off Perry than caring for his well-being,” Estrada further said.

Who are the 5 people charged in connection to Matthew Perry’s death? The charges have been levied against two doctors, Perry’s live-in personal assistant, a broker and a North Hollywood dealer known as “the Ketamine Queen,” who has been linked to the overdose death of another man..