Telugu superstar Junior NTR, Kannada actor Rishab Shetty, who won the national award for Best Actor and filmmaker Prashant Neel, who helmed the pan – Indian blockbuster KGF, took a trip together recently to the Keshavanatheshwara temple in Karnataka. The trio and their wives reportedly undertook a short yet tiring trek to the ancient temple at Moodgal in Keradi, a picturesque village in the state. Junior NTR, Rishab, Prashant and their wives wore traditional outfits, too, despite the trek, while visiting the temple to offer prayers to the idol of Lord Keshavanatheshwara.

The trek is through muddy mountain paths, climbing rocks and crossing a river. They performed a special pooja at the temple and fed the fish in the nearby river before returning. Why is the location a favourite among devotees? What's special about the temple? Keshavanatheshwara temple, which isn’t too famous, is located in a serene spot, away from the bustle of the city.

The temple is around 75 kilometres away from Udupi and can be reached in 1 hour and 45 minutes. The trek on the muddy path would be difficult during the monsoon. If you are starting from Udupi, you could travel to enjoy the alluring wilderness of the Mookambika protected forest.

The mountain path and the valley covered in small flowers will surely fill your heart with joy. If lucky, you could spot wild bison, deer, peacock and wolves. Keshavanatheswara is an ancient cave temple where a special pooja and festival called Ellu Amavasya is co.