Once upon a time, Kelly Rowland was a bit embarrassed by her athletic physique. “I used to be scared to hold up my arms,” she previously told . “People would be like, ‘Oh my God, she looks so masculine.

’” However, the singer eventually learned to embrace her hard-earned muscles and "feel strong." “Whether I look masculine or feminine, I’m comfortable in my skin. I don’t give a care what anybody says, I look great.

And I feel that’s how every woman should feel. Don’t be ashamed of your body; own it," the 43-year-old added. Rowland has a balanced wellness routine that focuses on healthy eating and exercise, but she's not someone who obsesses over the number on the scale.

"I like the fact that exercising makes me feel good. It’s not about size," she previously said during an appearance on " Still, all of Rowland's hard work certainly seems to be paying off. Looking for some fitspiration? Here are some of what the star's said about her wellness routine.

Busy moms know all too well that finding time to take care of yourself isn't always easy. But Rowland told that she views her workout routine as a form of self care. "When I work out, that’s my time for (my)self.

That’s my time to pour into myself physically (and) mentally," she said. When she lost her mother to cardiac arrest in 2014, Rowland got serious about her health. “I made a vow to myself to change the way I would eat (and) how I would take care of my body when it came to exercising because th.