Kelly Osbourne’s boyfriend Sid Wilson provided an update on the injuries he sustained after being rushed to the hospital this past week to get treated for severe burns he received. The Slipknot turntablist shared that his “face is basically melted from the nose down” after becoming a victim of a fatal explosion on his and Osbourne’s Iowa farm. “My whole right arm is bandaged up, half of my left arm,” Wilson revealed to Fox News Digital on Thursday.

“But the swelling’s gone down, and they said the face is kind of amazing that it’s regenerative, it happens real fast, seems to heal quickly.” “I’ve had better days, I guess, but I’m alive, so I’m doing good,” he added. Wilson, who lives with Osbourne on their farm with their 21-month-old son Sidney, told the publication that the incident happened when he went outside to give the wood pile he had been burning a check.

“A few nights ago, I lit it and let it burn down,” he said. “So, the next day, I went to check it to see, you know, how much was left, if anything. And there was a certain amount of debris around the side still left, so I, like a dummy, [did] what I’m not supposed to do, but I added some gas to it.

” Wilson then shared how he then took the gas can far away from the burn pile and started to look for a branch to light, failing to do so. “My lack of patience got the better of me, and I was like, screw it. I’ll be all right, you know?” he recalled.

“And I squatted down and re.