The Bharatiya Janata Party on Sunday (September 15, 2024) said the announcement by Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal that he would resign as the Chief Minister of Delhi was nothing but a “confession of his crime” and that he had been forced to do so as the Supreme Court, by granting him “conditional bail” in the Delhi excise policy case , restricted his powers as Chief Minister. The Congress called the resignation a “political drama” and said Mr. Kejriwal should have resigned six months ago as he had lost the moral right to hold the post.

The Congress and the AAP had a tie-up in the Lok Sabha election but since then the Congress has been attacking the AAP over issues pertaining to Delhi. Addressing a press conference, BJP national spokesperson and MP Sudhanshu Trivedi termed the resignation as a “drama” and said, “He is still the Chief Minister. If he wanted to, he could have called for a Cabinet meeting to recommend dissolution of the Assembly.

Why is he demanding early polls and playing the emotional card.” Reacting to Mr. Kejriwal’s statement that he was leaving his fate in the hands of the people, Delhi BJP chief Virendra Sachdeva said the people had already given their verdict long ago when they did not respond to the “Jail ka Jawab Vote Se” campaign of the AAP during the Lok Sabha election.

“The people of Delhi doubt that Kejriwal will resign, and his past actions and changes in statements cast doubt on his announcement,” Mr. Sachdeva s.