SIR Keir Starmer has been accused of “hypocrisy” and “entitlement” after accepting more than £100,000 of free tickets and gifts. The Prime Minister, an avid Arsenal fan who earns £166,786, has enjoyed dozens of football matches and gigs since becoming Labour boss in 2020. He has declared more freebies than other major party leaders in recent times, including hospitality worth £4,000 at a Taylor Swift show and £698 of Coldplay tickets in Manchester.

The PM and his wife, Lady Victoria Starmer. also received free clothes from a donor. The revelation he has accepted nearly 40 sets of free tickets sparked a huge backlash and suggestions of “sleaze”.

It comes after millions of pensioners had their winter fuel payments cut and follows repeated criticism by Sir Keir of “Tory sleaze” under the last government. Labour peer and accountant Lord Sikka said: “People expected change and cleanup of politics. Accepting freebies, donations always carries a smell of sleaze.

Why do it? Must ban political donations gifts." Critics said there is “no such thing as a free lunch”. Richard Murphy, a Sheffield University accounting professor, claimed it “stinks of hypocrisy” at a time when he is sending out “the message” that the country must live within its means.

The tax campaigner suggested on his blog that it presents the PM as being “possessed of a sense of entitlement”. Kevin Horkin, the director of the charity Our Dogs, tweeted: “Well it didn’t take long.