Rats and mice , with their notoriously poor eyesight, rely heavily on their keen sense of smell to navigate and survive. To deter these unwelcome visitors, households are advised to use potent scents that can "overpower" the rodents ' olfactory capabilities. Experts at Eliminated LTD have revealed a list of odours that are anathema to rats and mice, ensuring they "stay away".

One such scent is lavender; it turns out that mice and rats "hate the smell of lavender". By using lavender-scented products or even better, planting lavender, you can keep them at bay naturally. For a DIY repellent, mix a quarter to half a cup of lavender flowers with one-quarter cup of water in a spray bottle.

Shake well before each use and spritz surfaces in affected areas until they're moist but not soaking, reports the Express . Refresh this concoction monthly to maintain its efficacy in repelling mice from your abode. Another potent deterrent is citrus oil, loathed by rats and mice due to the presence of limonenea compound found in lemons, oranges, and grapefruits.

Limonene also imparts the fresh, clean scent to many household cleaning agents like soaps, detergents, and disinfectants. Citrus oils, particularly lemon and orange, are touted as "very effective at keeping rats and mice away" from specific zones or items. However, due to the potency of citrus oils, they should be used sparingly or diluted with water before being applied to an area or object that requires treatment.

Peppermint oil Pepper.