Keep an open mind about our wee town Published 3:24 pm Wednesday, August 21, 2024 By Alyssa Schnugg By Steve Stricker Columnist Welcome back Ole Miss Students and a special welcome to new students; you have made the right choice. The University of Mississippi is back in session for the Fall semester this Monday, August 26. It’s nice to have the pace slowed down a wee bit during the summer, but I like it best when Ole Miss Football, Baseball, all sports, and students are fully here for the fall and spring semesters.

For new students, especially those from big cities, keep an open mind about our wee town and guard your heart! You might be in for a bit of culture shock at first, but there is something magical about Oxford and Ole Miss and most of you will not want to leave here when it’s your turn to graduate! Don’t believe me? Just wait! “Steve, you were so right!” The University of Mississippi is the flagship state university with our roots and traditions deep into the Civil War when a group of Ole Miss students called the University Greys, Company A of the 11th Mississippi Infantry Regiment of the Confederate Army, fought and were almost completely wiped out at Gettysburg. Almost all the Greys were students at Ole Miss and nearly the entire student body of 150 men were killed in that battle; only four students reported for classes in fall 1861, so few that the university closed temporarily. In 1889, the Psi chapter of Delta Gamma and the University Alumni Society ra.