ASTANA – The Kazakh capital unveiled “The Treasure Island” exhibition on Sept. 19 at the Kulanshi Art Center, showcasing conceptual jewelry art. The work calls “Tomiris Amulet” by Tabigat Kuzhanbaev.

Photo credit: Aruzhan Ualikhanova/The Astana Times The exhibition, which will run through Oct.12 , features 130 works by contemporary and conceptual artists from seven countries, including Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Austria, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, and Pakistan. Unlike traditional jewelry art, the featured artists reimagine established aesthetic norms and materials.

Their works address ecological and technological themes and explore gender and social roles. The project aims to popularize contemporary art, expanding perceptions of jewelry as more than a decorative or status symbol. Each piece tells a unique, thought-provoking story, inviting viewers to reflect on what jewelry means in the modern world.

Works by Martina Dempf from Germany. Photo credit: The Astana Times Zhanna Assanova, founder of the Syldyr project and co-curator of the exhibition, explained that the event introduces conceptual jewelry as a new expressive language at the crossroads of fashion, design, art, and artisanry. “The works tell us about the value of an idea and the artist’s concept.

Here, the material is not paramount in the traditional sense. Would a piece of jewelry lose its value if it were made from car trim instead of gold? Why imitate baroque pearls with plastic? The a.