KBC 16: In a heartwarming Diwali special episode of Kaun Banega Crorepati 16, actor Varun Dhawan revealed the name of his newborn daughter, Lara, while chatting with host Amitabh Bachchan. Varun, who appeared on the popular game show alongside directors Raj & DK to promote his upcoming web series Citadel: Honey Bunny, shared this personal milestone during an emotional exchange with the Bollywood legend. Amitabh Bachchan began by congratulating Varun on his new journey into fatherhood and commented that this Diwali would hold extra meaning with the arrival of a new family member.

"This Diwali is very special for you, Varun, as Lakshmi ji has arrived at your home," he said, referencing the auspiciousness of the festival. Expressing his gratitude, Varun folded his hands and confirmed the name he and his wife, Natasha Dalal, chose for their baby girl: Lara. As the proud father shared the moment with viewers, he also showed a softer side, revealing a lullaby he’d composed just for Lara.

Embracing fatherhood wholeheartedly, Varun admitted he is “still learning to connect” with his daughter, cherishing each day as a learning experience. A post shared by prime video IN (@primevideoin) During the conversation, Varun took the opportunity to ask Amitabh about his own parenting experiences and how he managed his duties as a father to Abhishek and Shweta Bachchan. Amitabh’s advice was simple yet insightful, emphasizing the importance of keeping one’s partner happy.

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