Katy Perry and Russell Brand’s marriage was short-lived. Perry said that she was deeply in love with Brand while they were together. Still, she became aware of some problems with their relationship.

While she found him funny, she didn’t appreciate the jokes Brand made at her expense when he didn’t realize she was watching him do stand up. Katy Perry said Russell Brand joked about her to his audience Perry and Brand’s busy careers made it difficult for them to see each other, even while they were married. Because of this, Perry said she occasionally dropped in at Brand’s shows to surprise him.

When he didn’t know she was in the audience, though, he made jokes about her. “[He was] hysterical in some ways,” Perry told Vogue in 2013. “Until he started making jokes about me and he didn’t know I was in the audience, because I had come to surprise him at one of his shows.

So. Hysterical to a point.” After they divorced, Brand continued to joke about his marriage and sex life with Perry.

Katy Perry said Russell Brand didn’t like seeing her in a position of power Perry believed that the breakdown of her marriage had a great deal to do with her career . While Brand said he wanted an equal partner, she thought he disliked watching her thrive in her work. “At first when I met him he wanted an equal, and I think a lot of times strong men do want an equal, but then they get that equal and they’re like, I can’t handle the equalness,” she said.

“He didn’t .