Katie Holmes had a heartwarming surprise, thanks to her daughter Suri Noelle, who made a special trip to Manhattan to celebrate her special big day. The 18-year-old serenaded her mom backstage at the Barrymore Theatre, where Katie is currently starring in the Broadway production of Our Town. Suri, who is now a freshman at Carnegie Mellon University, led the cast and crew in singing “Happy Birthday” while holding a playful vintage headshot of Robert Redford emblazoned with “Happy B-day Katie!” Katie shared the sweet moment with her 2.
9 million Instagram followers, clearly touched by the thoughtful gesture. Katie Holmes 'so grateful' for daughter Suri as they're reunited for double dose of joy Suri Cruise shows off college makeover in fashion forward photos in New York Katie Holmes's daughter Suri Cruise's major change to identity revealed Suri’s musical talents are no secret to fans of the Dawson’s Creek alum. She has previously lent her voice to her mother’s films, including a cover of Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart’s Blue Moon for Katie’s 2022 directorial project Alone Together, and another song for 2023’s Rare Objects.
Speaking about directing her daughter, Katie said: "She’s very talented. She said she would do it and recorded it. I let her do her thing.
That’s the way I direct in general—'This is what I think we all want, now go do your thing.'" Earlier, Katie, 44, took to Instagram to express her gratitude, sharing a photo of the purple roses S.