What do I have in common with Nicola Peltz Beckham? She is a rich, luscious, twenty-something model, actress and heiress, married to Brooklyn Beckham, and I’m ...

well, none of the above. And yet looking at an Instagram post of Nicola kissing her Chihuahua Nala, I realise that in fact we are soul sisters, both of us completely unafraid of the 600 or so species of bacteria and other microorganisms that live in dogs’ mouths. For I too kiss my dogs.

In fact, every day I greet the morning with a ritualistic kissing, biting and licking of ears, necks and faces. No, I don’t lick my two dogs, obviously, I pucker up and kiss the top of their heads. But licking is how dogs show affection and I appreciate their canine kisses.

I adore my hounds. We co-exist so tightly I forget sometimes I have two legs. Those 20 minutes or so I spend lolling around naked in bed catching up on the day’s news while spooning my Spanish hunting dogs is a small joy I’ll never give up.

Peltz Beckham’s post divided the internet, however. Describing Nala’s death after her dog groomer “violently mistreated and/or intentionally abused” her (according to a lawsuit), she chose a picture of the little pup licking her owner’s perfect pout. “Poor Nicola!” was my immediate reaction, but not everyone was sending thoughts and prayers to Peltz Beckham in her grief.

Some could see only the unsanitary potential in canine saliva. A social media storm ensued. So who is right? People like my ten-year-ol.