Kat Torres: What Did the Brazilian Influencer Do & Is She in Prison? By BBC Eye released a documentary on , . The film Like, Follow, Trafficked: Insta’s Fake Guru follows the critically acclaimed and award-winning investigative team’s inquiry into Torres’ crimes. The documentary premiered on July 18, 2024, on the YouTube channel of BBC World Service and is available to watch internationally.

Kat Torres in prison: What did the Brazilian influencer do? According to , Kat Torres, a former Brazilian model, wellness influencer, and spiritual life coach, is now in Rio prison. Her crimes included sexual exploitation, slavery, and sex trafficking while having a loyal following of over a million on Instagram. Torres received an eight-year prison sentence after the FBI investigated the disappearance of two women in 2022.

The outlet stated that Torres hails from an impoverished Brazilian community and became famous by modeling in Europe. She then led a luxurious life in the U.S.

, partied with stars like Leonardo DiCaprio, and became the face of international magazines. Additionally, with more than a million followers on Instagram, she promoted wellness and spirituality. The model also offered advice on relationships and business success.

These sessions included exclusive one-to-one video consultations after the clients paid extra. Later, Kat Torres became the focus of a detailed FBI investigation concerning two missing women who disappeared in 2022. The victims’ families only kn.