APPRENTICE star and West Ham United vice-chair Karren Brady answers your careers questions, plus try our money-saving tips. Here she gives advice to a reader who has been a victim of bullying in their new workplace. Q: I have worked for my current employer for 18 months.

From the start, my manager has been rude and unapproachable and has singled me out – to the extent that I feel bullied . He treats me differently from my peers and has tried to embarrass me. He has scapegoated me for an error and is now trying to take disciplinary action against me.

READ MORE ON KARREN BRADY I have raised a formal grievance over his behaviour, but as I haven’t worked at the company that long, do I have a leg to stand on? Gemma, via email A: I’m sorry to hear about your difficult situation at work. It sounds like a very hostile environment. Most read in Fabulous Your HR department is responsible for ensuring a safe workplace, so it’s important to keep communicating with them.

If you are facing disciplinary action , you have the right to a fair process. This includes being informed of the charges or accusations against you, having the chance to respond and the right to be accompanied by a colleague or union rep at meetings. Document all instances of bullying and harassment in detail, and include any witnesses, as this will strengthen your case.

Consider speaking with a union rep if applicable, as they can offer support and guidance. Ideally, the grievance you’ve already raised will le.