Karnataka Rajyotsava Day on November 1, 2024, marks the celebration of Karnataka’s unity and heritage. With the iconic red and yellow flag waving high, traditional dances, and heartfelt wishes in Kannada, this day unites all Kannadigas. Mumbai: Karnataka Rajyotsava Day is a day of vibrant celebration that shines a light on the rich cultural heritage of Karnataka.

On November 1, 2024, Kannadigas come together to celebrate the formation of their cherished state. Karnataka Rajyotsava Day, also called Karnataka Formation Day or Kannada Day, marks the historic unification of Kannada-speaking regions across Southwestern India, creating the state of Karnataka in 1956. Originally named Mysore, the state adopted the name Karnataka on November 1, 1973, a change that highlighted the unity and identity of its Kannada-speaking population.

This renaming was more than a nominal change; it represented a commitment to preserving the state’s unique linguistic and cultural heritage. One of the most iconic elements of Karnataka Rajyotsava Day is the striking red and yellow state flag. Waving proudly across Karnataka, the flag stands as a symbol of strength and courage.

Throughout the day, it is hoisted at key locations, from public spaces to political offices, accompanied by the stirring recitation of the Karnataka anthem, ‘Jaya Bharatha Jananiya Tanujate.’ Karnataka Rajyotsava Day is synonymous with a vibrant array of cultural performances. From traditional dance like Dollu Kunitha to t.