Ayurveda considers the Malayalam month of Karkidakam the perfect time to rejuvenate your body and soul. This is when people focus on their health and wellness based on ayurveda as it is believed to be most effective during Karkidakam. Ayurveda prescribes special treatment and rejuvenation regimes that help expel toxins from the body.

You could regain the balance in your bodily functions through a proper Karkidakam ayurvedic treatment. Your health regained or achieved in Karkidakam will stimulate and nurture your body throughout the year. These are the popular ayurvedic treatments or massages that help you relax during Karkidakam: 1) Kizhi (ilakizhi, podikizhi, njavarakizhi, manalkizhi) massages can give you relief from neck pain, back pain, joint pain and swelling.

2) Utsadanam (paste massage) / udwarthanam (powder massage) are prescribed for obesity and swelling. 3) Sarvangadhoomam fights infections and boosts immunity. 4) Vamanam, virechanam, Kashaya vasthi, thaila vasthi, nasyam (panchakarma) treatments can expel toxins from the body.

5) Special diets help in improving the digestive process and immunity too. 6) Kashayadhara, shirodhara, pizhichil increase the blood circulation and rejuvenate the body and mind. Follow these tips to stay healthy and energetic during Karkidakam: 1) Consuming Karkidaka kanji (special medicinal porridge) is excellent for overall health and well-being.

2) Old people could do light workouts or breathing exercises daily. 3) Lighter elimination the.