Kareena Kapoor Khan turned up the heat on the internet with stunning photos from her getaway with hubby Saif Ali Khan. The actress, who is enjoying some downtime with her family, stunned fans with her handful of sun-kissed selfies and pics on the beach. "Saturday selfies' love with one thrown in of the husband," the actress captioned her series of no-makeup shots, in her brightly coloured swimsuits.

Adding to the collection of her picture-perfect holiday moments, Kareena included a candid shot of a shirtless Saif, smiling away as he enjoyed the view from their boat. The post has since won the hearts of fans and friends alike, who flooded the comments section. Celebs from Priyanka Chopra to Alia Bhatt, Masaba Gupta to Hrithik Roshan, and Ananya Panday, among others, sent her their love.

Meanwhile, cousin Riddhima Kapoor Sahni wrote, "Missed you in Delz." Fans on the other hand, could not seem to get over the actress' flawless no-makeup look. "Absolutely love how natural she looks.

" Another commented, “Goddess!...

tell me which actress would dare to go this natural?" On the work front, the actress Kareena was recently seen in the Rohit Shetty cop film 'Singham Again', starring alongside Ajay Devgn, Akshay Kumar , Tiger Shroff, Ranveer Singh , Deepika Padukone and Jackie Shroff, among others. Her movie 'The Buckingham Murders' also had its OTT debut on Netflix this week and has been receiving rave reviews from audiences who couldn't watch the film on the big screen. Saif's mov.