Kareena Kapoor stuns fans with a series of beach selfies, sharing a glimpse of her and Saif's effortless style and confidence. Recently seen in Singham Again, Kareena Kapoor Khan delighted fans with a fresh dose of beach vibes, sharing a series of stunning selfies on Instagram that showcased her radiant beauty and beach-ready style. Known for her love of selfies and scenic getaways, Kareena took to Instagram on November 9 to give fans a look into her sun-kissed beach moments, complete with a shirtless snapshot of her husband, Saif Ali Khan.

Bebo treated fans to a range of beach selfies, each capturing her effortless charm in different bikinis, from a vibrant yellow to a bright blue, and a multicolor piece. The no-makeup look amplified her natural beauty, while Saif’s appearance in neon orange swimming shorts brought his fit physique to the fore as he enjoyed the beach alongside her. Kareena captioned the post, "Saturday selfies' love with one thrown in of the husband" accompanied by heart emojis.

Have a look at her post here: A post shared by Kareena Kapoor Khan (@kareenakapoorkhan) Fans flooded the comments section with praise for her refreshing, natural look. One user commented, "Absolutely love how natural she looks and strong enough to actually hold it out there and share with the world." Another fan admired her confidence, writing, "Goddess! The most natural, I mean, tell me which actress would dare to go this natural.

None, I'd say none." In an interview with Harper�.