The Raj Kapoor Film Festival began in Mumbai on Friday to celebrate the legendary actor-filmmaker’s 100th birth anniversary. The Kapoor family marked the occasion with a special event, screening some of his most iconic films. Kareena Kapoor Khan became the centre of attention at the event, looking stunning in a traditional outfit by Pakistani designer Iqbal Hussain.

Kareena chose an elegant ivory kurta set for the evening. The cotton silk kurta featured rust-coloured piping and tassels on the sides and neckline. She paired it with a tissue inner shirt decorated with gota work on the sleeves, a crushed silk pyjama, and a matching cotton silk dupatta with zari detailing.

To complete the look, Kareena added layered necklaces, kept her makeup simple, and styled her hair neatly. The outfit, priced at PKR 95,000 (around ₹28,963), showcased her love for stylish yet comfortable ethnic wear. View this post on Instagram Recently, Kareena has been seen embracing traditional outfits for important occasions.

From her hand-painted red kurta set during her meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi to this latest look, she proves that classic Indian styles are always in fashion..